Introducing 18 Brand New Bow Ties!

May 25, 2017 1 min read

18 New Bow Ties


We present to you 18 brand new bow ties for your viewing pleasure. Normally we introduce one design at a time, but in celebration of Memorial Day, Father’s Day and Graduation we are offering special introductory pricing on all 18 bow ties! What’s special about this event is that these new bow ties are on sale at $10 off each! That’s $10 off never before seen bows so you know the recipient does not have the design already, making them the perfect gifts! Also, you can combine the $10 off with our buy 3 get free* shipping or our buy 5 bow ties get the 6th free** plus free shipping specials. 
There is no better time to buy yourself or that special bowtier in your life a new bow tie or two. Click on the picture above or the “Shop Now” button below to be transported to bow tie headquarters where all 18 new bow ties can be viewed in all their tied, untied and clip-on glory!

If you wear made to order sizes such as a larger butterfly or a longer neckband, the time to buy is now since quantities on these special wovens is limited.
See all the new bow ties here.